I will write a little tid bit tomorrow:)
9:30 a.m. the next day....
Ahhh, I'm feeling much less tired now.
So this is my amazing friend Amanda Sharp (who also happens to be an amazing photographer as well). She hired me to do these photos of her and her husband before she moved back to the east coast this year for wedding season.
Her husband Ryan is also part of the photographic team, and he is equally as talented. And hilarious too. They make a great couple, and a great working team on wedding days. I love hanging out with these two.
So this is random, but shooting weddings is stressful.
But shooting for photographers is REALLY stressful.
I can't explain it, it just is.
But despite me being nervous about shooting for Amanda and Ryan, we had a blast, laughed our heads off, and got some great images too.